How Healthy is Your Website?

When it comes to websites, you need to make sure that they're both user-friendly and mobile-friendly. This means that your site loads quickly on all devices.

While this doesn't sound like much, it can make all the difference between a visitor staying on your website or leaving for another one and performing an SEO Audit can help outline where you might be falling down and also in improving your search engine ranking.

An SEO Audit is the process of identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your website. It helps you find out what is missing from your site and whether it's slowing down its performance or not. The audit will help you identify the areas where improvements are required so that it can work efficiently as per Google standards. Here are some of the things you also need to think about:

Is your website responsive & mobile-friendly?

A responsive website is important because it allows customers to easily access your content no matter what kind of device they're using to view your site—and that's especially true for Millennials and Gen Zers. In fact, 50 percent of mobile users expect sites to be optimized for their devices' screen sizes (and 20 percent won't return to sites that don't display properly).

Additionally, Google has announced plans to penalize non-mobile friendly sites in search results beginning in July 2018. This means that if your website isn't user-friendly for mobile users (which includes being responsive), it could hurt how well your business ranks in Google's search engine results pages (SERPs).

If you haven't already built a mobile-friendly version of your website, it's time to do so now! Google also has a tool that can help: the Mobile-Friendly Test

To use it:

  • Open the Mobile-Friendly Test site in your browser or on your phone/tablet

  • Enter your website URL and click “analyze”

  • The test will show how well optimized your pages are for mobile devices

Is your site loading fast enough?

The reason your site has to load quickly is because most people won't wait for it. According to Google, the average user expects a mobile website to load in less than 5 seconds. If your website takes longer than that, chances are good you'll lose them. There are tools you can use to see how long your website takes to load. You can use Google PageSpeed Insights or Pingdom Speed Test.

Do your buttons work on a phone?

In order to make sure your buttons are easy for mobile users to press, you should make sure they are:

Large enough. Mobile screens are small, and so it can be difficult to hit the exact centre of a button with a finger. Make sure your buttons are large enough that users can easily see them and press them with ease.

Easily accessible. Mobile handsets have small screens, which means that fingers will have difficulty getting around on such a limited surface area if elements aren't spaced out evenly or if there is too much content right next to the buttons themselves (such as text). In addition, try not to use tiny text sizes or "pixel perfect" designs—large fonts will look better on most mobile devices' smaller displays than super-tiny fonts will! This is especially important when creating forms (and therefore needing many inputs), since users do not want their inputted information blocked by other elements in front of them (like images) when trying to type something into an input box!

Is it easy to navigate?

According to a study by Google, the average user will spend 5 seconds browsing your website. If they can't find what they're looking for in that time, they will leave and go to a competitor's site.

You should make sure your website is easy to navigate so that visitors don't get lost and frustrated when trying to find what they need on your website. The last thing you want is for people to leave because the navigation was too confusing or it took too long for them to figure out how you organized everything on your pages!

Are you using the right keywords?

One of the most important parts of any website is its content. If your content is not engaging, you might as well not have a website at all. But how do you make sure your site is engaging?

One way to do this is by using keywords to help search engines like Google know what kinds of things are being discussed on your website, and they help people find your site when they're looking for something specific. If you don't include any keywords in your site's content, Google will have no way of knowing what kind of content you're offering.

The most important places to put keywords are in the title tag, headings and subheadings, body text and meta descriptions. The title tag tells people what your page is about and helps them find it when they search for things like "what kind of car should I buy?" or "how do I fix my bike chain?" Headings and subheadings help organize information on the page so that it's easy for users to scan through. Body text helps them understand what they're reading.

SEO audits are more than just a single review of your website, they are recurring and ongoing. They’re an essential part of keeping your site optimised for search engines and should be performed regularly to ensure that any changes to the structure or content on your site don’t negatively impact its performance in organic search results.

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